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We are glad you found us! We are a collaborative team of researchers with varying expertise dedicated to ensuring those who need it most have access to Mothers & Babies.

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Mission Statement

Our mission is to address postpartum depression by providing brief, affordable intervention to families, communities and systems across the United States. We believe that mental health services and supports should be widely available, easy to access, affordable, non-stigmatizing and effective.

We are dedicated to conducting research studies, creating innovations of MB, and facilitating expansion of MB with a lens towards health equity.

Research Team

Meet our research team at Northwestern University. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, concerns or comments.


Craig F. Garfield, MD

Northwestern University

Huynh-Nhu (Mimi) Le, Ph.D.

The Mothers and Babies: Mood and Health Research Program

George Washington University

hnle@gwu.edu https://mbp.columbian.gwu.edu/
Deborah Perry, Ph.D.

Center for Child and Human Development

Georgetown University

Ricardo F. Muñoz, Ph.D.

Latino Mental Health Research Program

University of California San Francisco
Palo Alto University

rmunoz@paloaltou.edu https://i4health.paloaltou.edu/
Tamar Mendelson, Ph.D.

Tamar Mendelson, Ph.D.

Johns Hopkins University

Alinne Barrera, Ph.D.

Palo Alto University

abarrera@paloaltou.edu http://www.barreralab.paloaltou.edu/



We would like to thank the Robert R. McCormick Foundation for their support of the Mothers and Babies Program, including the development of this website.

The ongoing support and collaboration of the State of Illinois Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development has made our work with Illinois Home Visiting Programs possible, in cooperation with the Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership.

We are committed to improving the lives of parents, children and families through rigorous research addressing perinatal mental health and the disemination of the Mothers and Babies intervention. This is all made possible by our many generous sponsors – thank you all.

The Mothers and Babies Program Team is part of The Center for Community Health at Northwestern University‘s Institute for Public Health and Medicine.

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